When Mom Gets More Forgetful – 5 Early Signs of Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease in the Elderly

Learn more about the signs of Dementia and Alzheimers in the Elderly
When Mom Gets More Forgetful – 5 Early Signs of Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease in the Elderly

For many seniors, cognitive decline is a normal part of the aging process. Because you know your elderly parent better than anybody, you might be noticing changes in their behavior that is concerning. Forgetfulness could be a possible sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

If you notice that your mom or dad is starting to forget things a lot more than they used to, it’s a good idea to keep a close eye on the situation. Looking for more information on Alzheimer’s and dementia? Learn the 5 signs that it might be time for Memory Care.  

Difficulty Learning New Things

If your parent has a hobby or a passionate interest and is having a hard time retaining new information regarding it, this could be a sign that something is wrong. Keep a record of how often this happens with dates and times. It will be important in the evaluation process.

Not Able to Recall Words

Everyone occasionally has a hard time thinking of a specific word to use while having a conversation. However, if this is happening more frequently with your older loved one, it is something that should be noted and discussed with their doctor.

Financial Management  

Suddenly struggling with basic personal financial management could be a sign of the beginning of cognitive impairment. If your parent always paid their bills on time, but now forgets often, or can no longer balance their checkbook, it is time to seek help from a medical professional.

Poor Decision Making Ability

Behavior that is uncharacteristic of your parent could be an indication that something has changed with them. For example, if mom or dad were always financially frugal, but now spend large amounts of money without hesitation, it could suggest that they are experiencing cognitive issues.

Take notice of any types of habitual behaviors falling to the weighside, such as not wearing a seat belt, crossing the street without regard for traffic, or leaving the burner going on the stove.   

No Sense of Time

One extremely common sign of dementia setting in has to do with a loved one’s losing track of time or what day it is. Seniors in the beginning stages of cognitive impairment will often be confused about the date, whether it’s AM or PM, (also known as Sundown Syndrome) and also forget important occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. Keep a log of how often this happens and the extent of the confusion.

To learn more about Sundown Syndrome, click here: https://frontiermgmt.com/blog/sundowning-disease-symptoms-5-strategies-to-help/

Frontier Senior Living is Here to Help

The experienced and compassionate staff at Frontier have helped thousands of families across the nation navigate a loved one’s journey through dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Our Memory Care experts would be more than happy to discuss your parent’s specific situation with you and provide guidance on how to best meet their present and future needs.

We cordially invite you to visit one of our beautiful Memory Care communities, take a tour and speak with our friendly staff.

Learn the 5 signs it might be time for Memory Care here: https://frontiermgmt.com/blog/5-signs-it-might-be-time-for-memory-care/

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